May Update
Thousands of new tickers this month!
We now have coverage of most indices including a customer request made on our feature request board for VIX3M, VIX6M, VIX9D, VIX1Y. We have also added new OTC stock tickers, including lightly traded tickers that were previously excluded. Market Data now has 100% coverage of U.S. equity markets, indices, mutual funds, equity and index options.
In the coming months we will be focusing on
futures, futures options, currencies, crypto, and more
, with the goal of total U.S. financial market coverage. If you've already made the decision to purchase a Market Data subscription, this additional data will be added to your subscription at no additional cost to you. Our commitment is to never raise prices on existing customers.
As part of our urgent feature requests program, we added two new features this month:
52 week high/low data with stock/index quotes and DTE for option chains
. Check the API & Sheets Documentation for full details.
The optionchain endpoint now includes a real-time quote for all options in the chain and the filtering of the chain is now based on real-time data rather than the previous day's data. It is no longer necessary to use the quote=true parameter to get a real-time quote.
Video Tutorial
If you're a Sheets user and you didn't check out last month's tutorial, now's the time! Learn to use our new OPTIONCHAIN formula with our video tutorial. Filter by expiration, strike, DTE, delta, and learn how to build an options screener.
We also finished this month:
  • API: Improved performance most queries.
  • DevOps: New load balancer.
  • DevOps: Firewall / security work.